


中国功夫,不仅仅是搏击术,它是民族智慧的结晶,也是民族传统文化的体现是世界上独一无二的“武文化”。它的思想核心是儒家的“中和养气”之说,同时又融合了道家的“守静致柔”,佛教的“禅定参 悟”,从而构成了一个博大精深的武学体系。中国功夫讲究刚柔并济,内外兼修,既有刚健雄美的外 形,更有典雅深邃的内涵,蕴含着先哲们对生命和宇宙的参悟。


Chinese Kungfu,A National Essence

Chinese martial arts,also referred to by the Mandarin Chinese term Wushu and popularly as Kungfu(功夫),are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China.

中国武术(Chinese martial arts),也被称为武术Wushu, 俗称功夫(Kungfu),是几个世纪以来在中国发展起来的一系列搏击风格

These fighting styles are often classified according to their common traits, identified as "families"(家)"'sects"(派)or”schools'"(门)of martial arts.


Examples of such traits include physical exercises involving animal mimicry, or training methods inspired by Chinese philosophies, religions and legends.


Styles which focus on qi manipulation are labeled as internal(内家拳)while others concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness are labeled external(外家拳).


Geographical association,as in northern(北拳)and southern(南拳),is another method of categorization.


Kungfu and Wushu are terms that have been borrowed into English to refer to martial arts.


However, the Chinese terms Kungfu and Wushu have distinct meanings; the Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art"would be Zhongguo Wushu.

然而,中文术语“功夫”(Kungfu)和“武术”(Wushu)有不同的含义;“Chinese martial art”的中文字面意思是中国武术。

Wushu literally means"martial art". It is formed from the two words 武术:武(meaning "martial"or "Military"and 术(shu), which is translated into “discipline”, “skill” or "method".

武术的字面意思是“武术”(martial art)。它由两个词组成:武(意为“军事”或“军事”)和术(意为“术”或“方法”),后者被翻译成“纪律”、“技能”或“方法”。

The term Wushu has also become the name for the modern sport of Wushu,an exhibition and full-contact sport of bare-handed and weapon forms(套路), adapted and judged to a set of aesthetic criteria for points developed since 1949 in the People's Republic of China.



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